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8 Great Forest Hiking reasons

Great reasons to forest hike

8 great benefits

"Take me to the place I love, Take me all the way" RHCP

Hikers at High elevation with snow capped peaks
Alpine Hiking

Hiking in a forest provides various physical benefits that can improve your overall health and well-being. It gives a sense of accomplishment and achievement, it improves endurance by engaging our cardio and lungs in a sustained physical activity. It strengthens our muscles and bones by challenging them with uneven terrain and inclines. Hiking in a forest increases flexibility and balance by navigating obstacles such as rocks, streams, and tree roots. And dodging Sasquatch and elusive wolverines.

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The physical benefits of hiking in a forest can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle and offers numerous benefits for spiritual health. Listen to the sounds of the birds, the trees in the wind, the creeks and rivers you hike near, the leaves under your shoes. Feel the breeze. Spot an owl sleeping in a tree. Identify the vegetation that your hiking in. Breath in the fresh forest air. This is our planet! You are now reconnected.

Science: When we walk, our eyes execute rapid side to side

motion, this motion Elevates our mood and cognition. Continuous, rhythmic breathing releases beautiful healthy chemicals into our system.

Fresh air and clean environment: Forest hiking allows you to breathe in fresh, oxygen-rich air, which can enhance your lung function and boost our overall well-being. The lush green surroundings also provide a cleaner and more natural environment for your hike. A visual vacation from industrial views.

Gym! We don't Need no stinking gym: Hiking in a forest involves walking on uneven terrain, which stimulates different muscle groups and improves our balance and coordination, reflexes and agility. It is a great cardiovascular workout that increases stamina, burns calories, and helps maintain a healthy weight.

Stress relief: Spending time in nature has a calming effect on the mind and body. The peacefulness of the forest, provides an ideal setting to relax and unwind. The soothing sounds and sights of nature are known to reduce stress and anxiety. The Japanese call it 'Forest Bathing', Shinrin-Yoku, taking in the forest through our senses.

The sounds of a waterfall and flowing water are exhilarating, hypnotic and healing.

Immune system: Forests are filled with phytoncides, natural substances released by trees that have been shown to boost our immune system. ( There are 5,000 types of phytoncides, they're now being shown to be beneficial to us when inhaled. Forest exposure has also been shown to boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, reduce stress, improve mood, and increase our ability to focus. Conifers, spruce, cedar and Pine top the list for trees producing phytoncides)

All plants produce them but the abundance of vegetation in a forest makes it a top location to hike. Deserts that are laden with juniper and sage, are a good choice if you have one, a desert, closer to you to hike then a forest.)

Breathing in these essential oils during a forest hike can help strengthen our immune system and increase resistance to diseases.

When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing the number and activity of a type of white blood cell called, natural killer cells, or NK. These cells kill tumor and virus-infected cells in our bodies.

There was a recent study on aromatherapy where participants would breathe natural scents and spices a half hour a day for various health benefits and cognition.

Hiker looking back at a High Elevation Lake
Exhilarating and beauty above the forest

Breathing and Endorphins: I love you forest. Exercise releases our bodies good chemicals like serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine, the same chemicals that make you float when in love.

Mental well-being: Forest hiking is a great way to improve your mental health. Being surrounded by nature can reduce symptoms of depression and boost your mood. It promotes a sense of tranquility, connectedness, and mindfulness, which can have a positive impact on your overall mental well-being.

Walking is healing and walking in an area far away from modern society is 10 fold more exciting then a city park. City walking is exciting in a very dangerous way. We want to avoid cortisol.

I noticed when hiking, my mind is still on unwanted replay of the stresses of work for the first mile and a half, about 30 minutes, but after that the fake world of business is far away and I feel recovered from the silliness of stress. I am then deep in my hiking zone mindset.

Vitamin D absorption: Spending time outdoors exposes us to sunlight, allowing our body to produce 'vitamin D'. (D is a hormone). This essential nutrient is crucial for maintaining healthy bones, regulating mood, and preventing certain diseases. Vitamin D is a hormone our bodies produce that impacts our immune system and is elevated by sunlight and outdoor experiences. A forest may or may not have a lot of exposure to sunlight though, some trails and viewpoints in the Northwest will give you that sunlight. We can always sit by our car on the way in and way out or enjoy waterfalls or vistas for extra long to get that needed sunlight.

Hiker on Cliffside ocean hike
Forest hiking trail
Forest Trail

Connection with nature: Forest hiking provides an opportunity to reconnect with nature and appreciate its beauty. It allows you to detach from technology and immerse yourself in the wonders of the natural world. This connection with nature has been proven to promote a sense of belonging and fulfillment.

Sometime, when entering the forest prime beauty, I like to take a few fresh pine needles from a friendly tree and carry them with me, rubbing them in my fingers to activate their invigorating Scent. Another way we can feel the wonder is in, barefoot time, when resting or at our destination, take off those shoes and socks. If you are in a good place stick your feet in that nearby creek or place them on that warm sunbathed boulder you are sitting on. It's a forest shiatsu massage, for free.

Leaving the business world a few hours: A few hours in nature is a mind and spirit vacation. You may arrive at a healthier view point, on answers to problems at work, home and life, all by getting away for a few hours into nature and enjoying a natural wild, environment and setting.

Enjoyable hikes: Forest hiking is not only healthy but also enjoyable! Exploring different trails, observing wildlife, and discovering hidden gems in the forest can make our hikes exciting and invigorating. It is a great way to spend quality time with friends and family while improving physical and mental well-being. Remember to gaze up in the trees for nests and Owls and at the ground for mushrooms and rocks.

So, grab your hiking boots, find a nearby forest trail, and embark on a healthy adventure that brings you closer to nature! Bring a friend, bring a dog, bring a camera. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Earth. Be safe, be prepared, be aware and be blessed by this amazing planet.

Energy: Bring healthy snacks. Carbs and protein and water.

Have you tried Pans Mushroom jerky!

Safety tip: download photos of any dangerous plants you may have in your area, poison ivy, poison Oak, Sumac, before your hike if you are unfamiliar with these pesky plants and any others your region has. Or get a small lamented card.

Essentials: Water, healthy snacks.

Depending on your hike and length of time in the forest you may

Invest in a small pack to bring extras like

First aid, bear spray, bug spray, sun screen, maps, GPS, cameras.

Female Hiker Rejoicing on a desert trail
Happiness and energy in hiking

For ideas on hiking gear and some backpacking essentials try this affiliate link

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About the Author.

Andy is a NW Resident and an outdoor enthusiast. Hiker, Vegan, Photographer and

Independent Musician with a love for sharing and Tree Hugging and with lots of new original music and lyrics on the way. Be sure to follow him on Social Media or Subscribe to his You Tube channel. Music Tip: If you want to help an independent musician, pre-save their music before its release. It helps Independent Artists compete with the big labels

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